Arguably the finest Medium Bounty Hunting Combat Ship in the galaxy.
Purchase Locations
Cost: 138,938,590 CR
Rebuy: 6,946,930 CR
As a newer Commander with no Engineering, try not to engage any Pirates on a Team or with a higher Combat Rank than Expert or Master, unless you are on a Team. Try to hit them with Beam Lasers only, to pull their shields down, then let 'em have it with both your Lasers and Multi-cannons. If you need a rest from Combat or are burning time, waiting for new targets, try Cargo Scooping some Manufactured Materials from the nearby destroyed Pirates. Careful not to Scoop up any Escape Pods, as any Commodities on board will force Pirates to attack you. These Materials will save you some time during Mission Objective: 15 - Collect Ship Engineering Materials. For guidance on engaging the enemy, please see our Combat Guide.
Previous Mission: Mission Objective: 10 - Obtain a v1 Detailed Surface Scanner | Mission List | Next Mission: Mission Objective: 12 - Outfit a Type-9 Heavy for Trading |