You will want this module to substantially increase your ship's Jump Range.

Materials Required
To buy this module you will need the following items:
- x18 Datamined Wake Exceptions
- x26 Tellurium
- x26 Electrochemical Arrays
- x28 Chemical Processors
Datamined Wake Exceptions
Outfit your Ship with a Frame Shift Wake Scanner, then go to a Station and scan High Energy FSD Wakes to collect this Encoded Material.
Tellurium can be collected from a Planet using your Scarab SRV's Dual Plasma Repeaters to shoot at Crystalline Shards or Needle Crystals, unlodging its Raw Material, and Cargo Scooping it. Use to locate a Planet containing Tellurium near you.
Electrochemical Arrays and Chemical Processors
You need to land on the planet, Hyades Sector DR-V c2-23 A 5, in the Hyades Sector DR-V c2-23 System, at the abandoned settlement Dav’s Hope and use your Scarab SRV to drive around and Cargo Scoop all the Manufactured Materials. It is also advised to scan the Data Point, at the gate, with your Data Link Scanner. After you have collected all the materials simply exit the game to main menu and log back in to respawn the Materials.
Purchase Locations
Use to locate a Human Technology Broker near you. When docked, open Station Services, and you will find them in Contacts.
How to get THE BEST Engineered FSD V1 in Elite Dangerous (Contributor: CMDR Yamiks)
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