Using spansh.co.uk, explore the nearby Systems, collecting data to earn easy Credits. Make sure to register and log in to Spansh, so you can utilize the checkmark system, so you don't get duplicate results.
Utilizing Spansh' Road to Riches, use a Detailed Surface Scanner (DSS) to Map high value Planets for Cartographic Data to sell at a Station's Universal Cartographics. The DSS will cost 250,000 credits. Do not turn in your data to a Fleet Carrier, as it will be a reduced amount and you will not gain Explorer Ranks, which you will need for Mission Objective: 16 - Unlock Ship Engineers in the Bubble. If you are in a Squadron, it is advised to turn in your data at a Squadron-controlled Station to bolster it's System Influence and your personal Reputation gain.
Credits for New Players: The Road to Riches (Contributor: CMDR Exigeous)
Utilizing Spansh's Expressway to Exomastery, use a DSS to locate Biological Signs on a Planet or Moon, then scout and disembark to use an Artemis Suit's Genetic Sampler to collect Genetic Data through Exobiology to sell at a Vista Genomics laboratory, found on a Station. You will need to collect three samples at least five hundred meters apart from each other. The DSS and Artemis Suit will cost 400,000 credits. Again, do not turn in the data to a Fleet Carrier, as it will be a reduced amount and you will not gain Exobiology Ranks and if you are in a Squadron, it is advised to turn in your data at a Squadron-controlled Station to bolster it's System Influence and your personal Reputation gain.
Expressway to Exomastery - Make Money Fast (Contributor: CMDR Tolakram III)
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